Why Grass-Fed has Higher Omegas
Why Grass-Fed has Higher Omega-3s You’ve heard the phrase “You are what you eat”. But have you ever heard the phrase “You are what your food ate”. This term was coined by authors Anne Bikle and David R Montgomery who later wrote a book titled “What Your Food Ate. How to Heal Our Land and...
What Exactly Is Regenerative Agriculture?
What is Regenerative Agriculture? This a very good question. Some people confuse regenerative agriculture with organic certification or practices. Organic and regenerative farming practices may be related, but they are not the same thing. On our farm, we implement regenerative agricultural practices. We are also certified organic. Guidelines for organic certification are specifically defined by...
Tips for Cooking Grass-Fed Beef to Succulent Perfection
Grass-fed beef has reduced marbling and fat content. To understand why and how this alters cooking technique, read on! If you visit the recipe drop-down portion of the Otsquago Creek website, you can familiarize yourself with the various cooking techniques and options. General Meat Preparation: Always be sure to thaw vacuum sealed beef well…