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Why Piedmontese?

We raise Italian beef cattle called Piedmontese (or Piemontese, se parli Italiano). The breed was isolated in a valley in the Italian Alps for hundreds of years, one result of which was a genetic mutation that causes double muscling. The higher density of muscle cells creates beef that is extremely tender yet also lean. Some refer to this beef as the “cardiologist’s dream beef” due to the low fat content and high omega-3 fatty acid levels. In addition to texture, what we care about is the flavor created by the combination of the genetics of the cattle and the grass that we feed them.

To learn more about the Piedmontese Breed, please click on any of the following links:


Read about tenderness and the USDA Shear Test here:


Why Angus?

We introduced Angus into our herd to achieve hybrid vigor. In addition to purebred Piedmontese, we raise a Piedmontese-Angus Cross known as “Tenderlean” (see below) and occasionally sell 100% Angus beef.

What is Tenderlean?

Tenderlean Beef is a Piedmontese crossed with another breed of cattle. As long as the offspring carry the Piedmontese genetics that ensure the double muscling quality and tenderness of the beef it can be considered Tenderlean. For Otsquago Creek, our Tenderlean Beef is a cross between Piedmontese and Angus Cattle, resulting in the best of both breeds, while retaining the lean yet tender quality of Piedmontese.

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