Otsquago Creek

Van Hornesville Grass Fed Beef

About Us

Italian Piedmontese

We raise Grass-Fed Certified Italian Piedmontese and the Angus Piedmontese cross called Naturalean.

Piedmontese have extra lean, extra tender meat due to their unique double-muscling. This lean meat boasts lower fat content with a higher yield per-pound.

Grass-Fed Beef is proven to be more beneficial nutritionally than conventionally raised beef.

Regenerative Agriculture

Our animals are pastured year-round with an enhanced winter diet of organic home-grown Hay supporting their best health and the Farm’s ecosystem.

We abide by a regenerative approach to grazing rotation. As our herd moves through each pasture they leave behind vital nutrients that become packed into the soil by their hooves.

This improves future tall grass growth and regenerates the strength of our topsoil, sequestering carbon emissions.

Piedmontese Cow

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

1 %
Certified Organic Grass
Maintained Cattle
Acres under Conservation

Otsquago Farm

We are a multi-generational family farm operating in a small hamlet in Central New York, just north of Cooperstown.

Grass fed beef is in our blood! Once owned by our family patriarch Owen D. Young, Otsquago Creek Farm (nee The Stock Farm) was rejuvenated with new life in 2014 when our grass began the process of Organic Certification.

The Farmers

We’re a small operation comprised of a group of veteran and upcoming farmers. With help from the community we’ve found our niche and farm the land with sustainability & conservation at the forefront.

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